
Frankie Stein


Freaky Flaw:  Sometimes my stitches come loose at the worst possible moments. Like the day my arm flew off and landed right in front of the most creeperific guy. I was mortalfied.


Favorite Food: 
Everything I've tried is the best thing ever!



Favorite Activity: 
I don't really have a favorite yet. I want to experience everything before I have to choose. 



Killer Style: 
My friends say I have the perfect figure for fashion. They've taken me shopping for some scary-cute clothes that are absolutely to die for. 


Watzit™. I'm not sure of all the things he's made from, but Watzit's pet license is 10 pages long.


Clawdeen Wolf


Freaky Flaw :  My hair is worthy of a shampoo commercial and that's just what grows on my legs. Plucking and shaving is definitely a full-time job, but that's a small price to pay for being scarily fabulous. 



Favorite Food:  Steak…rare. 


Favorite Activity:  Shopping and flirting with boys! 


Killer Style:  I'm a fierce fashionista with a confident no-nonsense attitude. I'm also gorgeous, intimidating and absolutely loyal to my friends. 


Pet:  My scary-cute little kitten Crescent™ is as fuzzy as I am.

Clawd Wolf


Freaky Flaw: I shed…a lot. When I get out of the shower, my family becomes the proud owners of a fur-lined tub. I might as well comb my hair with a lint brush and save the extra step.

Favorite Food: Steak…and lots of it.

Favorite Activity: I love football. I love the training, the strategy, the competition, and the atmosphere on game day. It's the perfect sport.

Killer Style: Casual à la Clawdeen…it would be dumb for me to not listen to fashion advice from her.

Pet: A gargoyle bulldog named Rockseena™. She's my number one rock-solid fan.



Freaky Flaw: Since I can't see my reflection in a mirror, I have to leave the house not knowing if my clothes and makeup are just right. Of course, after 1,600 years of practice I've gotten pretty good at it.

Favorite Food: I'm a vegan. No icky blood for me, so it's fruits, vegetables and a lot of iron supplements.

Favorite Activity: I love smiling, laughing and encouraging my friends.

Killer Style: My dad calls me Draculaura, but to my friends I'm Ula D™. I love to splash my black outfits with some cheery pink, and I even carry a frilly umbrella so I can take an occasional walk in the sun.

Pet: Count Fabulous™ is my BFF (Bat Friend Forever). He's a very proud and proper bat, but I just can't help but dress him in the cutest little outfits.

Cleo de Nile


Freaky Flaw: The dark. Yes, I'm a monster who's afraid of the dark. Get over it.

Favorite Food: Grapes, especially when someone is feeding them to me.

Favorite Activity: Ruling the halls of Monster High and being captain of the fearleading squad.

Killer Style: I'm a true Egyptian princess complete with headdress, exotic jewelry and, oh yeah, the occasional stray bandage wrapping.

Pet: Hissette™ is my sweet Egyptian cobra. Her hiss is honestly much worse than her, er, somewhat poisonous bite. 


Deuce Gorgon

Freaky Flaw: I have to wear sunglasses to keep from turning my friends to stone. It doesn't last that long, but I still hate accidentally causing a friend to rock out.

Favorite Food: Greek Monster Fusion—it's my own creation.

Favorite Activity: Playing casketball and cooking.

Killer Style: Skate shoes, hoodies and my signature shades. I also rock the snake hawk.

Pet: Perseus™ is my two-tailed rat named for an ancient Greek warrior mom knew. She doesn't think it's funny. 


Ghoulia Yelps


Freaky Flaw: I cannot function without a proper schedule and I do not process last-minute changes very well. My zombie nature also means that I walk rather slowly, have trouble making facial expressions and can only speak…well…zombie.

Favorite Food: Brains…just kidding. I actually have quite the affinity for rapidly prepared, mass-market cuisine. (Translation: I like fast food.)

Favorite Activity: I love to read and learn new things. Books always fit into my schedule.

Killer Style: My horn-rimmed "nerd glasses." They absolutely go with everything.

Pet: My owl, Sir Hoots A Lot™, is the perfect companion—even though he absolutely refuses to be a message courier for me. 



Abbey Bominable


Freaky Flaw: I am lacking in the tact. At altitude, talking is an oxygen waste, so words are pointed. I am often puncturing the feelings here down below. I am not wishing to fill others with the sadness but some times I do. Also, I am cold, both in the touching and being touched.

Favorite Food: The cheese of yak and pancakes.

Favorite Activity: Boarding on the snow is maxed out totally to the awesome.

Killer Style: Fur. It is practical for the blending in and the showing off. My special ice crystal I also wear for the perpetuating of bodily coldness of my home.

Pet: Shiver™ is my wooly mammoth. Her feelings being the kind not so easily punctured. 



Heath Burns


Freaky Flaw: I have a bit of an impulse/self-control issue, which causes me to accidentally burst into flames at kind of the worst possible moments. My dad also says my attention span is so short that….Hey! What was that?

Favorite Food: Ghost Chilis, bro. They’re like candy to the Heathster.

Favorite Activity: I love playing video games, ‘cause I always get to be the hero and if I make a mistake I can just hit the reset button.

Killer Style: I know all the other dudes at MH take their style cues from the Heathster, so I try not to show them up too much. Mostly I keep it casual around the bros. Of course, I have to have my flame-sleeved jacket. The ghouls think it’s hot!

Pet: I’m saving up for a pet dragon. I almost had enough to get one until I had to use the money I’d saved to replace the ice scream machine in the creepateria…don’t ask.



Jackson Jekyll


Freaky Flaw: I have a bit of an impulse/self-control issue, which causes me to accidentally burst into flames at kind of the worst possible moments. My dad also says my attention span is so short that….Hey! What was that?

Favorite Food: Ghost Chilis, bro. They’re like candy to the Heathster.

Favorite Activity: I love playing video games, ‘cause I always get to be the hero and if I make a mistake I can just hit the reset button.

Killer Style: I know all the other dudes at MH take their style cues from the Heathster, so I try not to show them up too much. Mostly I keep it casual around the bros. Of course, I have to have my flame-sleeved jacket. The ghouls think it’s hot!

Pet: I’m saving up for a pet dragon. I almost had enough to get one until I had to use the money I’d saved to replace the ice scream machine in the creepateria…don’t ask. 



Holt Hyde


Freaky Flaw: I’ve got a bad temper. It’s not something I’m proud of but every once in a while it flares up and I have to spend a lot of time apologizing for it. I also have a hard time remembering some things.

Favorite Food: Hot wings. I like ‘em hot enough to make a dragon cry.

Favorite Activity: Creating new monster music mixes. I love it when my tunes come alive and I can get all the monsters in the house out on the dance floor.

Killer Style: My style is on fire, baby. No really, I literally have flames leaping off my body. I’m like my own light show. I also have this smokin’ yin-yang symbol tattooed on my back and, of course, I never go anywhere without my headphones ‘cause you never know when a beat will blaze up.

Pet: Crossfade™, a chameleon. He’s the best pet ever ‘cause change never bothers him, and he totally digs my music.




Freaky Flaw: I’m a bit of a diva and a perfectionist…okay more than a bit. Mostly, it’s just about my music though, which causes monsters to kinda lose their minds for a few days if they hear me sing live. My voice doesn’t have the same effect when you listen to it recorded.

Favorite Food: Fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches, thankyouverymuch.

Favorite Activity: Playing music and singing. What else is there to unlife?

Killer Style: From the top of my hotrod red victory roll hairdo to the soles in my shoes—don’t step on ‘em—I’m a high-octane rockabilly phantom de force. I’ve also got this pitch-perfect beauty mark that starts on my face and ends in the ginchiest tat ever.

Pet: Memphis “Daddy O” Longlegs™ is my pet spider. Course he’s not like any other spider you’ve ever seen, unless you’ve seen one rocking a pompadour while playing a standup bass.


Lagoona Blue



Freaky Flaw: My skin tends to dry out if I spend too much time out of the water, so I go through a fright of moisturizer. Chlorine from the Monster High pool also has a tendency to turn my blond hair blue, but it's a creeperfic lurk, don't you think?

Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Activity: Anything that involves being in, on or around the water.

Killer Style: I mostly like to creep out in my baggies, tank top and floppies. That way, I'm ready for any kind of scary-good time—whether it's surfing, beach volleyball or hanging out with my ghouls. But I also like to show up to parties in my scary-cute little black dress just to show everybody I can pull off the lurk.

Pet: Neptuna™ is my pet piranha, and I've got a special purse that's actually a fishbowl so I can secretly take Neptuna to class. 


Robecca Steam


Freaky Flaw: My internal clock does not properly function, and I seem to always arrive late. It seems not to matter how many alarms I set or watches I wear; nothing helps. Good thing I have a permanent mechanics excuse in the Headmistress’ office.

Favorite Food: Even though I do not require traditional food, I am fond of ginger tea.

Favorite Activity: I am quite the scaredevil, and I delight in using my rocket boots to do stunts and tricks that make other monsters stop what they are doing to watch me perform.

Killer Style: I would have described my style as rather old- fashioned in this current time although I have been recently informed that it was totally “steam punk” and quite “cutting edge.” This is a relief as no monster wishes to be thought of as dull.

Pet: Captain Penny™ is my mechanical penguin. Working wings are unnecessary when one is equipped with a rocket pack.


Rochelle Goyle


Freaky Flaw: I am very protective of my friends and sometimes I get in the way when they do not have a need for my protection. I also have the…how you say…”chip on the shoulder.”

Favorite Food: Hard rock candy

Favorite Activity: Sculpting

Killer Style: Being from Scaris, I love to mix the rot iron and stained glass together. It gives my look a certain timeless quality, does it not?

Pet: A gargoyle griffin. She is called Roux™ and she is mine from the time she was hatched


Venus McFlytrap


Freaky Flaw: Right, I’m passionate about protecting the world we live in, and I don’t want it trashed—that’s not my flaw—but sometimes I accidentally-on-purpose use my pollens of persuasion to get monsters to volunteer for my cause.

Favorite Food: Fresh water and sunshine

Favorite Activity: I like hiking, camping and convincing other monsters how important it is to be caretakers of the world that we live in.

Killer Style: Bright, loud and in your face. The brightest flowers get the most attention, and I’m no shrinking violet when it comes to wanting monsters to look my way.

Pet: A Venus flytrap called Chewlian™. He’s got a really snappy personality. 


Toralei Stripe


Freaky Flaw: Purrhaps I could be faulted for my fascination with the claw of cause and effect…or not. I suppose it all depends on whether or not you’re the monster being affected.

Favorite Food: Milkshakes and anchovies—separately, not mixed together.

Favorite Activity: It’s either taking a nap or waking up from a nap and immediately taking another one.

Killer Style: I purrfer fashions that accentuate my natural feline grace, while adding just enough spikiness in my accessories to say, “I don’t come when I’m called.”

Pet: Sweet Fang™ is my pet saber-tooth tiger cub. She’s much more cuddly than I am. 


Purrsephone™ and Meowlody


Freaky Flaw

Purrsephone: Sometimes our curiosity gets us into trouble and we agree to purrticipate in the plans of others without considering the consequences.

Meowlody: Why sister, you make it sound like we don’t have a mind of our own.

Purrsephone: My apologies, purrhaps I was mistaken then.

Favorite Food: Ice cream

Favorite Activity: When we’re not napping, we love gymnastics—especially because we always land on our feet.

Killer Style

Purrsephone: We purrfurr skirts, vests and shiny, jingly bracelets. We also love fashions that match. Right sister?

Meowlody: You’re sooo correct. It make life so much less confusing…for us.

Pet: We used to have a canary…but one of us is allergic to birds, and we had to give him away. 


Spectra Vondergeist

Freaky Flaw: Well I’ve never really given this much thought you see since I find that it’s unhealthy to focus on what one does wrong, especially when contrasted with all the good one does in unlife. I am also not a gossip, despite rumors to the contrary.

Favorite Food: Angel food cake. It’s light and full of sweetness, much like me.

Favorite Activity: Providing certain information not readily available to the general Monster High student body.

Killer Style: Silk, silk and more silk, accentuated with just a touch of metal. It allows me to freely float about with just a hint of rattle. It’s quite the haunting look, wouldn’t you agree?

Pet: Rhuen™ is my ghost ferret. Did you know that the name ferret comes from the Latin furittus, which means “little thief”? Of course, you didn’t until I told you!


Scarah Screams


Freaky Flaw: I’ve got a way of saying things other monsters misinterpret to mean that something bad is going to happen.

Favorite Food: Coddle. ‘Tis the ultimate creepy comfort food.

Favorite Activity: I’ve a fair voice and can really wail when I want, oh and I dearly love the listening to and telling of stories.

Killer Style: Sure now I’m the kind of ghoul who’d rather be seen than heard, still I’m working hard not to fade into the background. I like sweaters, especially cardigans, and skirts in green. 


Skelita Calaveras


Freaky Flaw: I get these feelings in my bones that something epic is about to happen. Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing just when the event will occur.

Favorite Food: Sugar skulls

Favorite Activity: I love doing anything associated with Dia de los Muertos, like face painting, sewing, creating dioramas, dancing, telling stories and most especially, spending time with mi familia.

Killer Style: I’m proud of my heritage, but I also embrace my own individuality, so I mix traditional clothing with modern fashion to make a unique look of my very own. It may seem like I’m always ready to attend a party, but that’s what unlife is to me; a grand excuse to celebrate and have a good time.

Pet: I have millions of pets and I get to see them each winter when they migrate to Hexico. They are the Monarch mariposas, and I love to be surrounded by their soft, fluttering beauty. 


Jinafire Long


Freaky Flaw: I’m strong willed, hot tempered and I have a tendency to set fire to combustible materials although ever since I melted my last iCoffin, I’ve been trying to do a better job of controlling my impulses.

Favorite Food: Anything Sichuan! The spicier it is, the better.

Favorite Activity: I love to do calligraphy. It’s very calming and helps me relax.

Killer Style: I like to take traditional fashions and fire them up with sharp cuts and fierce accents.

Pet: I do not currently have a pet because it is a decision that takes many years for dragons to make. I have narrowed my list down to 50 so I expect that in another couple hundred years, I’ll have a top 20. 


Howleen Wolf


Freaky Flaw: My hair. Sometimes it does what I want, sometimes it does what it wants and sometimes it does things that make both of us look bad.

Favorite Food: Hot dogs

Favorite Activity: I love playing soccer. It’s so much fun.

Killer Style: I like to call the way I dress “were-punk.” It’s like taking lots of different styles and mashing them together to make something totally new and creepy cool. Clawdeen says it always looks like I got dressed in the dark, but I like it and that’s all that matters to me.

Pet: Cushion™ is my pet hedgehog. She may be a little prickly on the outside, but she’s really sweet on the inside and that’s what matters. 



Freaky Flaw: I’m painfully shy, and I spend most of my time sleeping/hiding under beds so it’s hard to make new friends. Oh well, it’s just a day in the life of a boogey monster.

Favorite Food: Nightmares, of course.

Favorite Activity: I love capturing normie nightmares so only the things that make sweet dreams get through. How can you disagree that’s not a good thing?

Killer Style: My friends tell me that I have a shadowy figure or maybe it’s that I am a shadowy figure…anyways, I do love dark blues and deep purples, especially when they blend together like smoke on the water.

Pet: A dust bunny named Dustin™. I found the wind blowing him one day, so I rescued and adopted him. 


Gigi Grant


Freaky Flaw: It’s not a real stretch to guess that I’m claustrophobic. Being stuck in a lantern for millennia will do that to you.

Favorite Food: My father’s secret recipe: hummus and fresh-baked pita. Even after all this time, I have never grown tired of it.

Favorite Activity: I love sightseeing. It’s always a bonus when a monster wishes to take a trip to someplace I haven’t already been.

Killer Style: Natural fabrics, especially silk, in bright colors. I’m also big on haltertops, baggy pants and slippers. Basically, I’m all about comfort. Of course, I can’t be a total slob cause I never know when I’m going to have to pop out for a meeting with the new boss.

Pet: A scorpion called Sultan Sting™. Don’t let the name fool you, he’s actually quite unpretentious. 


Catty Noir


Freaky Flaw: I’m really superstitious. For instance, I always eat the same thing two hours before every concert: 7 chicken nuggets, 5 apple slices, 1 strawscarry shake. I have to enter stage left under one ladder and exit stage right under another, and finally, I always wear a piece of broken mirror when I’m on stage. I find it very unlucky if any of these things don’t happen.

Favorite Food: Chilling cheese fries. They are my favorite after-concert food.

Favorite Activity: I like personally answering fan letters, really I do. I know that may not sound very glamorous, but it helps me feel connected to them, especially because without their support I wouldn’t be here.

Killer Style: When I’m performing, I love big, flashy, larger-than-unlife outfits because they are ghoulishly glitzy, creeporifically cool and fangsolutely fun! Even when I’m offstage, I like to wear fashions that sparkle and flash ‘cause they make me feel lucky.

Pet: Not having a pet is just one of the sacrifices I felt I had to make to pursue being a singer, but now I’m looking forward to getting something creepy cute and scary sweet. 


New! Clawdia Wolf


Freaky Flaw: Whenever I think or get nervous I chew. Pencils, pens, paper clips, gum… the corner of my iCoffin. One year Clawdeen got me a manicure for my birthday but on the way home from the nail salon I got an idea for a story, and well, let’s just say little sis was not happy with what I chewed on that day.

Favorite Food: I love fangers and mash, roast beast and fish and crypts. I kind of like shepherd’s pie, too…only without the wool.

Favorite Activity: Writing! I write every day ‘cause if you don’t write, you can’t call yourself a writer. One day I hope to be a screamwriter in Hauntlywood!

Killer Style: Tribal Prep. I love to mix graphic tribal prints with some scholarly flare and because Londoom is fangsolutely undead with fashion and literary history, both my brain and my wardrobe benefit. To paraphrase Spookspheare, “This is the stuff as screams are made on.”

Pet: I’ve been clawing through all my literary references trying to decide what I should get…maybe I’ll choose an albatross or ooh…a raven


New! Elissabat

Freaky Flaw: I have terrible stage fright, so I must be completely prepared before I ever stand in front of an audience. I’ve been told I’m a natural on stage and in front of a camera, but that’s only because I spend hours making sure I have my lines down. It’s the only way I can do what I do.

Favorite Food: Blood oranges

Favorite Activity: Acting! It might seem strange that I would like acting if I have stage fright, but I love inhabiting the characters I play.

Killer Style: I love Philosophy of Screamplay Structure class. We get to read all the most famous screamplays and see how the masters perfected their craft.

Pet: I played the part of a dragon whisperer in a film once. It was a great role, but I’ve never translated that into a real unlife pet. 


New! Honey Swamp



Freaky Flaw: I am a perfectionist. I believe there is always time to do something the right way and yes I realize this can be tiresome for other monsters.

Favorite Food: Dead beans and rice and jamboolya

Favorite Activity: I am a photographer. I do not want to be one, you understand; I am one. I am always striving to learn more and be…perfect.

Killer Style: I am sweet in disposition, polite in manners, feminine in appearance and sociable in company. In short, I epitomize the modern Southern ghoul. I am also strong, independent and capable--you would do well to remember that.

Pet: Living in the swamp means my home is literally crawling with critters. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find pet perfection. I suppose that means I’ll need to keep looking. 


New! Viperine Gorgon



Freaky Flaw: Some people wave, some high five, some hug… I bite. I just can’t help myself. It’s the way I show affection. I try to remember to just shake hands, but sometimes I forget.

Favorite Food: Dates…stuffed with almonds and wrapped in bacon. Delicioussss…

Favorite Activity: I love doing, shopping for and experimenting with makeup. I do my friends makeup for dances and school photos and sometimes I go to the elder monsters’ home and do makeovers for the monsters that live there. They have great stories to tell, and I get to hear them. #WinWin.

Killer Style: Hippie Boho Chic. I like to be comfortable AND I never like scaling back when it comes to mixing different colors, patterns and fabrics together.

Pet: In case you haven’t noticed, under this mane of freaky fabulous hair is a rather active nest of vipers. I really don’t have room in my unlife for anything else.

1 comment:

  1. you need the new #FreakyFusion characters!
